new-side-quest (14)

Design Considerations

From a blockchain perspective the most important thing to remember is: Fabric is not Ethereum. Though many of the same data design and concurrency principles will still apply, there are definitely differences to know as we design our game.

Game Concept

I'm aiming for simplicity with the initial game concept. It may grow into multiple game styles in the same ecosystem with similar scoring mechanics, but for now - simple: At a high level, it means we will have at least these types of data: They…

Why Kaleido FireFly?

TL;DR: Building blockchain networks is a lot more work than just writing a contract. FireFly has all a growing web3 application needs to become a big strong network. If you're building on existing Layer 1, like Etheruem or EOS, then you don't have to worry…

Why Go?

Same Framework, New Language I already decided to build this project using Hyperledger Fabric, so this lets me build with a framework I'm already familiar with, but using a new language and thus a new SDK. It should help to ease the learning curve for…