new-side-quest (14)

Adapting the Code - v1 Data Structure

Let's take a look at how the objects ended up: In addition to the improvements made above in v0.1, we have also added a key (indicated by PK in the diagram) and arrays to track the characters and dungeons owned by the player. There are…

Adapting the Code - Key Considerations

This entire section assumes we are using LevelDB state storage for Fabric and not CouchDB. I need to write another article to explain why and the differences between the options, but for now you can read the docs In a Key/Value database, the Key is…

Adapting the Code - Initial Improvements

What does it take to turn a program into a smart contract? Well, first we need to have an idea of what our program does (see the First Code post). Now we have that, so we can start to shine some light in the dark…

First Code

As you can see from the previous post there are a lot of things to consider when building something on-chain. It's easy to get overwhelmed by this and reach a state of analysis paralysis. The best way I have found to break out of this is…